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About Your Instructor

Sohail Anwar

I’m Sohail Anwar, the founder of Earn and Excel. I’ve worked in big Global Companies as a senior consultant for over 12 years and my time spent learning Excel and VBA in the early years played a big part in helping me move from junior to senior roles.

My Excel journey started with books and courses, but I didn’t make much progress as those materials just showed me how Excel worked rather than how it could help me to work better. I noticed that every kind of job I was interested in required good Excel skills so I decided to just ‘roll up my sleeves’ and learn by trial and error. 

After thousands of hours spent applying Excel at organisations like Lloyd's Banking Group and Barclays Bank, I was able to solve challenging problems at will saving vast amounts of time and money for my companies.

I began to ‘pass’ these skills on to colleagues help my teams tackle complicated analysis, reporting and produce more work in less time. Eventually I built very comprehensive training courses and have trained over 1000 people online since 2015. 

Through a multitude of commonly occurring scenarios, I show you how to best leverage Excel and VBA to tackle these.

You get my Excel & VBA knowledge and skills at a fraction of the time and cost I invested to attain them...